AndaluzjaHotele butikowe

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Hotele butikowe. I wspaniałe miejsca w pobliżu

Pomagamy znaleźć najlepsze hotele butikowe w Andaluzja. Zapoznamy Cię z fajnymi hotelami designerskimi, modnymi hotelami i małymi pięciogwiazdkowymi hotelami luksusowymi. Hotele te mogą być często tak wyjątkowe i romantyczne, że nie chce się wychodzić z pokoju. Ale mimo to - warto! Dlatego też pomagamy hotelom w znalezieniu najwspanialszych miejsc w pobliżu - czy to kawiarni, restauracji czy muzeów.

Oto kilka polecanych miejsc w pobliżu hotele butikowe w Andaluzja:
  • Júzcar

    This little white village was painted blue by Sony Pictures some five years ago and declared the only Smurf town in the world!! Since they it has been stripped of its Smurf identity but remains painted blue which makes it the only white village that is blue! It´s fun to visit and it has a couple of decent bars where you can eat and hang out observing the local scene.

    Przewodnik z Hotel Los Castaños

  • Ronda

    The busy town of Ronda has ancient roots making it a fascinating place to explore. The old town has palaces and fine mansions that one can visit, museums, ancient churches, and art musems. Also known for its shops, one can find ceramics, leather goods, and particularly shoes. Ronda has a wealth of restaurants and bars to explore and a growing reputation for fine gastrotapas. There are several places that offer classical Spanish guitar concerts and a recent addition to the visitor´s menu is a hammam, right next to the Arab Baths - both of these sites are well worth the experience.

    Przewodnik z Hotel Los Castaños